Oculus [2013]: Thrilling, Mystifying & More Involving Than Your Average Horror Flick

Smart, scary & unpredictable for the majority of its runtime, Oculus is a solidly crafted, skilfully executed & surprisingly effective entry in the world of horror that exquisitely handles its two storylines and makes superb use of available resources to establish an uneasy aura that reeks of mystery, dread & a sense of foreboding.

The story of Oculus follows a young woman who acquires access to an ancient mirror which she believes to be responsible for the death & misfortune that her family suffered over a decade ago. Intending to destroy the mirror, she first tries to document its powers on camera in order to prove her convicted brother’s innocence.

Written, edited & directed by Mike Flanagan (best known for Hush, Ouija: Origin of Evil & Gerald’s Game), the story unfolds in two timelines – one taking place in the present while the other is set 11 years earlier, covering the siblings’ childhood & first stint with the mirror, and is told in flashbacks. Flanagan handles both storylines rigidly and narrates them in a consistent manner.

The script is no slouch as far as narrative structure is concerned. Flanagan gives both plots equal weight & attention and steers them towards a singular outcome. Characters aren’t intriguing at first but things do get better as plot progresses. Dialogue is its weak spot and required more refinement. There are times when it gets a bit confusing but most issues are resolved by the time it ends.

The build-up isn’t hurried and the ominous atmosphere sets in gradually. Camera is brilliantly utilised in both segments, staying with the siblings throughout while the scenes involving the mirror have a diabolical feel to it. Editing is finely carried out and steadily escalates the tension to unsettling levels, while the background score adds its own little touches in key moments to further amp the sinister vibe.

Flanagan’s decision to rely on mood instead of gore only works out in the film’s favour while a few unpredictable moments ratchet things up to further extent. The performances by the two kids playing the siblings outshines the acts of their respective adult counterparts, and although Karen Gillan does a good enough job with her role, Brentan Thwaites looks absolutely clueless and chips in with a flat input.


On an overall scale, Oculus is thrilling, entertaining & more involving than your average horror flick, and is amongst the better examples of the genre. There are some genuinely unnerving scenes in it plus its nonstop play with perceptions of reality keeps things tense & gripping right down to the end. Intercutting the two timelines in a way that puts the audience into the siblings’ shoes so that they too get to experience the mirror’s disorientating power, Oculus is a fresh, complex & twisted delight that comes recommended.


Singh Sumit

Cinema is my life capsule. Horror is my refuge. Jurassic Park is first love. Lord of the Rings is perfection. Spielberg is GOAT. Cameron is King. In Nolan I trust. Pixar makes my heart sing. Reviewing films is a force of habit. Letterboxd is home. Blog is where I'm currently inactive. HoF just happened to came along.